Tutorial:Packaging de WebApps
Révision datée du 11 février 2015 à 17:58 par Seb35 (discussion | contributions) (+tutorial template)
Langue : en
Statut : brouillon
List and comparison of various webapps packaging, with the aim at finding commonalities and differencies to create a directory structure compatible with a largest set of deployment targets. (Possibly if there are uncompatible directory structures between two deployment targets, it will be up to the developer to choose what target s/he prefers.)
- Status: W3C Candidate Recommandation
- Specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/html5/
- Package:
- Extension:
- MIME type:
- Format:
- Manifest: *.appcache
- Cache manifest:
- Extension: .appcache
- MIME type: text/cache-manifest
- Format: text
Packaged Web Apps (Widgets)
- Status: W3C Recommandation
- Specification: http://www.w3.org/TR/widgets/
- Directory structure:
Reserved File Names Table file name type reserved for purpose config.xml file Configuration document icon.png file Default icon icon.gif file Default icon icon.jpg file Default icon icon.ico file Default icon icon.svg file Default icon index.html file Default start file index.htm file Default start file index.svg file Default start file index.xhtml file Default start file index.xht file Default start file locales folder Container for localized content - Package:
- Extension: .wgt
- MIME type: application/widget
- Format: ZIP file
- Manifest: config.xml (see specification)
Firefox OS / Firefox Apps
- Status: Industry specification
- Documentation: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Apps/Quickstart
- Directory structure:
Reserved File Names Table file name type reserved for purpose manifest.webapp file Manifest document index.html file Default start file - Package:
- Format: Web hosting or ZIP file
- Manifest: manifest.webapp (see documentation)
Manifest for web apps and bookmarks
- Status: W3C Working Draft
- Working draft: http://www.w3.org/TR/appmanifest/
- Package:
- Extension: N/A
- MIME type: N/A
- Format: N/A
- Manifest: *
- Manifest fetching method: <link ref="manifest" href="..." />
- Manifest:
- Extension: .json, .manifest
- MIME type: application/manifest+json
- Format: JSON
Opera 14-
- Status: Industry specification (deprecated)
- Package:
- Extension: .oex
- Format: ZIP file
Chromium / Opera 15+
- Status: Industry specification
- Documentation Opera: https://dev.opera.com/extensions/
- Package:
- Extension: .nex
- MIME type:
- Format: ZIP file
- Manifest: manifest.json
- Manifest:
- Filename: manifest.json
- Format: JSON